It is not a smart decision to liquidate your fixed deposit when you need money in an emergency. In this way, you are going to lose your interest rate and other benefits attached to your fixed deposits. To prevent yourself from the financial hassle as well as fulfill your need of cash, the bank provides … Continue reading “Is it Better to Borrow Loan Against Fixed Deposit Instead of Liquidating?”
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The information contained herein is only to enable the Lender to make a considered decision. Any decision taken by the Lender on the basis of this information is the sole responsibility of the Lender and Antworks P2P Financing is not liable. This information does not include any sensitive personal data or information of the Borrower. Antworks P2P Financing only facilitates a virtual meeting place between the Borrowers and the Lenders on its online platform. The decision to lend is entirely at the discretion of the Lender and Antworks P2P Financing does not guarantee that the Borrowers will receive any loans from the Lenders. Antworks P2P Financing merely aids and assist the Lenders and the Borrowers listed on its website to make and receive loans and charges a service fee from the Lenders and the Borrowers for such assistance. Antworks P2P Fianncing is only an ‘Intermediary’ under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 1999.
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