After more than a year full of discussions and deliberations, RBI finally released the P2P guidelines on platforms on 4th October 2017. While P2P lending is still in a nascent stage in India, it is expected that it would turn into a $4-$5 billion industry by 2023. The first P2P lending platform was established in the country in 2012. Since then there have many new entrants to the industry, and currently, there are more than 30 P2P lending platforms in the country.
As RBI has formally recognized the industry, P2P loans have turned into an ideal alternative to loans from traditional banks. Let us have a detailed look at the new rules related to P2P lending by the RBI.
Certificate of Registration
As per the directions/ P2P guidelines, no NBFC can operate a P2P lending platform without a Certificate of Registration. This applies to new as well as existing NBFCs. Also, every company aiming to register as NBFC-P2P should have net owned funds of at least Rs. 20 million or more as specified by the RBI.
Scope of Activities
Among many other things, an NBFC-P2P can-
An NBFC-P2P is expected to-
Safety Norms
The safety norms for P2P lending by RBI are as follows-
An NBFC also needs to publicly disclose-
Mechanism for fund transfer
The fund transfer process between participants on any P2P platform should only take place through escrow accounts. All the fund transfers should strictly be through bank accounts only, and cash transactions are prohibited.
The guidelines issued by the RBI on lending and borrowing on P2P platforms is a step in the right direction as it has brought the local money lenders market to a formal platform as transactions are only allowed through banking channels. This has significantly benefited the lenders and borrowers of P2P platforms as there is now more transparency in the proceedings.
Disclaimer: Reserve Bank of India does not accept any responsibility for the correctness of any of the statements or representations made or opinions expressed by Antworks P2P Financing Private Limited, and does not provide any assurance for repayment of the loans lent on it. Antworks P2P Financing Private Limited is having a valid certificate of registration dated April 01, 2019 issued by the Reserve Bank of India under Section 45 IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. However, the RBI does not accept any responsibility or guarantee about the present position as to the financial soundness of the company or for the correctness of any of the statements or representations made or the opinions expressed by the company and for repayment of deposits / discharge of liabilities by the company.
The information contained herein is only to enable the Lender to make a considered decision. Any decision taken by the Lender on the basis of this information is the sole responsibility of the Lender and Antworks P2P Financing is not liable. This information does not include any sensitive personal data or information of the Borrower. Antworks P2P Financing only facilitates a virtual meeting place between the Borrowers and the Lenders on its online platform. The decision to lend is entirely at the discretion of the Lender and Antworks P2P Financing does not guarantee that the Borrowers will receive any loans from the Lenders. Antworks P2P Financing merely aids and assist the Lenders and the Borrowers listed on its website to make and receive loans and charges a service fee from the Lenders and the Borrowers for such assistance. Antworks P2P Fianncing is only an ‘Intermediary’ under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 1999.
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